Quick start


  • Python >= 3.8 & pip

  • Spotify account (free or premium)

  • Deezer account (free or premium)


python3 -m pip install -U spot_sync

You should now be able to reference via spotify_sync. However if you aren't it's possible you need to add package install directory to your $PATH. E.g. pip3 show spot-sync | grep Location


Generate a new config

spotify_sync config generate

Configure config.json as per Schema

(Optional) Add config to the profile cache

spotify_sync config add myFirstProfile ./config.json


Allow spotify_sync to connect to your Spotify account

spotify_sync utils authorize-spotify --profile myFirstProfile

Start spotify_sync!

spotify_sync run auto --profile myFirstProfile

If you have a large Spotify library (or are downloading many followed playlists) this first run could take a long time. This is a limit with the Deezer API used to match songs

Other run modes

spotify_sync --help

Usage: spotify_sync [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  A schedulable, configurable CLI downloader for Spotify accounts 

  --help  Show this message and exit.
  backup   Backup config and persistent data
  config   Access app configurations
  restore  Restore an existing backup
  run      Run spotify_sync in different modes
  stats    Display stats from various sources
  utils    Helper commands

Last updated