Migrate from older versions

You can migrate your existing setup to the new version of spotify_sync.


This will output a new config.json matching the new schema

spotify_sync utils migrate-config --config /path/to/legacy/config.json

Migrate to profile

If you want to migrate everything into a config profile, use the following:

Usage: spotify_sync utils migrate-to-profile [OPTIONS]

  Migrate historical config and cache to a profile

  Input config object: [mutually_exclusive, required]
  --config PATH                   Path to a separate config file
  --spotify PATH                  Path to a Spotify song json file to migrate
  --processed PATH                Path to a processed song json file to
                                  migrate  [required]
  --profile TEXT                  Name of a (non existent) profile to migrate
                                  settings to  [required]
  --config-schema-mode [legacy|latest]
                                  Specify schema of config file  [default:
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Last updated